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WooCommerce Boilerplate

plan support

Only in Essential Plan and above

Get started with your WooCommerce data in Wren AI by using our boilerplate. This template provides a structured framework for importing and analyzing your WooCommerce data, saving you time and effort.


  • WooCommerce Account
  • WooCommerce REST API key with read permissions. Refer to this guide to obtain the API key and secret.

Steps to Use the WooCommerce Boilerplate

To add a WooCommerce Boilerplate, click the WooCommerce option in the Start with a data boilerplate section.

Get start with a data boilerplate

You will be asked for following information:

WooCommerce Boilerplate

  • WooCommerce API Key: The key you generated from the WooCommerce REST API.
  • WooCommerce API Secret: The secret associated with your WooCommerce API key.
  • WooCommerce Shop Name: The name of your WooCommerce store, found in the store's URL. For example, in, the shop name is ''.
  • Start Date: The date from which you want to start replicating data.

Once you have provided the required information, click the start syncing button on the Wren AI Cloud screen. The syncing time may vary based on the amount of data you have. You can close this page, and we'll notify you by email when the process is complete. If you wish to cancel the synchronization, click the 'Stop syncing' button.

Synchronize data from WooCommerce

Customizing the WooCommerce Boilerplate: Adding Columns for Custom Properties

To add columns from your WooCommerce Custom properties, select the table, press the three dots, and click the ‘Update Columns’ button.

On the screen, you'll see a list of available columns on the left. Select the columns you want and click the > button to move them to the current model. Finally, click 'Submit' to import the columns.


Don’t forget to update the model to publish the new changes.

Review Pre-filled Fields

The project modeling page displays all fields and tables from the WooCommerce Boilerplate. We've added a visual marker to clearly indicate the boilerplate's origin, making it easier to differentiate between views and models.

Learn more about views

WooCommerce MDL

Custom data synchronization

Wren AI will periodically synchronize your data from WooCommerce and automatically optimize your data structure on WooCommerce with AI LLM. You can customize your data synchronization routine in the "setting" page.

First, go to the "Settings" in the "modeling" page.

Settings link in Modeling

Go to the "Data Connection" tab in the settings page.

Data Connection Page

Where you can set up a new schedule time for data synchronization and also update the WooCommerce API key and secret if you have changed them.

Add External data sources to your WooCommerce data.

In the "Data connection" setting page, you can also set up external data sources to combine data with your WooCommerce data, such as Airtable, Google Sheets, MySQL, and more.

Data Connection Page

Ask Questions

To start your analysis, ask questions about your synced WooCommerce data. We offer a range of pre-defined questions to help you explore sales performance, customer segmentation, product analytics, and marketing effectiveness.

Disconnect and Reset

If you want to disconnect WooCommerce from Wren AI you can reset and remove your project entirely on your project which connected with your WooCommerce, check how to reset or delete your project in this documentation.

Add additional data sources to your boilerplate