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Create Organization


During the beta period, you can create organizations through the navigation bar.

Each organization, independent of the other, will be counted as a separate entity for future billing purposes.



Once the organization is created, a default project will be automatically created for you. This default project will always appear at the top of your project list.

You can set up a data source connection for the project and start asking questions.


Organization Settings

This section is where the organization admin will have access to manage the organization's billing, member access, and organization status.


Update Organization Name

As the admin, you can modify the display name of your organization through General.

This section lists all the users of this organization and their respective roles. The Organization admin can invite, remove, and modify members' roles within the organization.



This section lists all the users of this organization with their respective roles. The Organization admin can invite, remove, and modify members' roles within the organization.

Invite People

To add members to your organization, click the Invite People button.

Fill in the email of the user you want to send an invitation to and choose a role you want to assign them..

If you assign the invited user the role of Organization Admin role, the user will have access to all projects within the organization and will be able to create new projects. Learn more on about user roles in the RBAC page.

In the onboarding step, you can also add the invited user to multiple projects by checking the box next to the project name. Each project is independent and requires its own project permission roles, which can be assigned here.


If you choose the organization Member role, the invited user must be added to least one project.



Once the invitation is sent, you can view its status and the invitation link on the Members page.

The invitation will expire if it is not accepted within 3 days by the invited user, so be sure to act soon!

Update Member Role

Organization Admins can modify the role of each organization member.

Find the member whose role you want to modify and click on the Role dropdown menu.


You cannot modify the role of yourself. If you need to have your role from Organization Admin modified to member, you will first need to assign a new Organization Admin and ask this user to modify your role.

Remove Member

Only organization admins can remove users from the organization. To do this, you can click the Remove button of the users to remove their permission.


Danger Zone

In Danger Zone, you can leave or delete this organization according to your assigned role.

Leave Organization

Organization Members can leave the organization at any time. The organization and its projects will no longer be accessible.


If you are the last Organization admin, you cannot leave the organization. You will need to delete the organization to remove yourself from it.


Delete Organization

Only organization admins can delete the organization. This action can not be reversed; be careful when performing this action.

Once the organization is deleted, its projects will no longer be available to all the organization's users.


You cannot delete the organization if it is your last accessible organization.
