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Quickstart with sample data

This guide helps you learn how to:

  • Add sample dataset to Wren AI
  • Ask questions
  • Explore the data

Download and Start Wren AI

You can follow the installation guides to install Wren AI on your local machine.

Sample Datasets

Wren AI offers 2 sample datasets:

We use E-commerce dataset to show following steps:

1. Click on the E-commerce option connect

Ask a question

Ask any questions related to the dataset you chose, Wren AI will provide 1~3 results from the dataset that best answer your question.

1. Try a sample question:
Take the 1st sample question as example, choose "What is the average score of reviews submitted for orders placed by customers in each city?". sample_question

2. Choose a Result
Here we choose the 1st result. result

Explore the Data

Based on the selected result, you can view the SQL plan description, data preview and the SQL statements in each step. detail

In the last step, you can get the full SQL and data preview of this result preview sql

Next Steps

Now that Wren AI is running and you've learned the basics, you probably want to test out your own data. Go ahead and read the next section Quickstart with your own data