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Data Modeling Overview

What is a data model?

A data model is a conceptual framework that defines data structure and relationships within a database or information system. It encompasses the organization of data elements and their interactions, providing a blueprint for storage, access, and manipulation. Typically categorized into conceptual, logical, and physical models, data models facilitate stakeholder communication and guide the design and implementation of databases, ensuring data is organized efficiently and accurately to meet business requirements.


Models are a fundamental unit in Wren AI that combines schemas, metadata, relationships, calculated fields and custom semantic information from the tables of your data source. Models help both people and Wren AI service better understand data.


Views are virtual tables that present data retrieved from one or more underlying models in Wren AI. It does not store data itself but rather display data derived from the tables based on a predefined query.

In Wren AI, we offer a save-as-view button in threads that allows you to save the result SQLs as views.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

On the Modeling page, Wren AI provides an entity relationship diagram that shows the schema of each model and the relationships between models. The diagram helps you distinguish between models and views based on block colors. Models are represented in blue, while views are depicted in green.