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The E-Commerce dataset is a sample dataset that is adapted from the Brazilian E-Commerce Public Dataset by Olist on Kaggle. This is a Brazilian ecommerce public dataset of orders made at Olist Store. Its features allows viewing an order from multiple dimensions: from order status, price, payment and freight performance to customer location, product attributes and finally reviews written by customers. You may find more detailed information about the dataset on the original dataset page.

We have modified the dataset to make it easier for users to understand and work with the data.

  • The modified dataset contains 6 tables: customers, order_items, orders, payments, products and reviews. Original dataset contains 3 more tables(sellers, geolocation and product_category_name_translation).
  • The data size is reduced a lot, for example:
    • There are 308 unique customers in the customers table. Original dataset contains 99441 unique customers.
    • There are around 200 orders in the order_items table. Original dataset contains more than 98000 orders.
  • All date related values are changed to 2022 to 2023. Original dataset contains dates from 2016 to 2018.