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Running with Docker

  • Requirements

    • Install Docker
  • You can follow the running with Docker guide

  • Run the docker-compose to start the Wren Engine service

    docker compose --env-file .env up
  • Connect from PostgreSQL drivers using port 7432, example here we use psql

    psql 'host=localhost user=ina dbname=wren port=7432 options=--search_path=tpch'

    If psql: command not found or not install psql, you can install it via instruction in this website

Running with JAR

  • Requirements:

    • at least Java 21
  • You can follow the Running with JAR

  • Run the executable jar to start the Wren Engine service

    java \
    -Dconfig=etc/ \
    --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED \
    -jar wren-server-executable.jar
  • Connect from PostgreSQL drivers using port 7432, example here we use psql

    psql 'host=localhost user=ina dbname=wren port=7432 options=--search_path=tpch'

    If psql: command not found or not install psql, you can install it via instruction in this website