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Data Modeling with Wren Engine

Wren Engine utilizes Modeling Definition Language (MDL) to succinctly describe dataset tables, providing a structured and standardized approach for defining their attributes within the data warehouse infrastructure. It provides a series way to describe tables:


The model provides a logical layer for your table, allowing you to enhance its semantics without impacting the real data. Through the model, you can expose only the specific data you intend to expose.


These relationships describe how to link two models together and enable seamless data integration and analysis across both entities.

Metric (Coming soon!)

A metric is an aggregated outcome derived from a particular model / metric . It consists of the following parts: measure, dimension and time grain.


Like most RDBMS, a view is the result set of a stored query, and we can use all Wren Engine data objects , such as model, metric or view in view.