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Validate data parameters by rule

POST /v2/ibis/{data_source}/validate/{rule}

Path parameters

  • data_source: string, required. Check out Data source schema in MDL file.
  • rule:
    • column_is_valid:
      • modelName: string, required
      • columnName: string, required

Request body

  • manifestStr: string, required. It’s a base64 string of the Manifest schema
  • connectionInfo: Check out Connection Info ere
  • parameters: key-value Object, required. For different rules, there will be different parameters.
"manifestStr": "eyJjYXRhbG9nIjoibXlfY2F0YWxvZyIsInNjaGVtYSI6Im15X3...",
"connectionInfo": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"database": "postgres",
"user": "postgres",
"password": "postgres"
"parameters": {
"modelName": "Orders",
"columnName": "orderkey"


If the request is valid. The API will return HTTP status code 204, if not return code 422