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Wren Engine Configuration

Config Type

  • Static Config: The configuration can't be changed after server start. Only set when server start.
  • Reload Required Config: The configuration can be changed after server start and will trigger a server reload.
  • Normal Config: The configuration can be changed after server start without trigger a server reload.

Minimum Config for starting the server


    • default: etc/mdl
    • description: The path to put manifest JSON file. The path should only have one JSON file.
    • type: static
  • wren.datasource.type
    • default: DUCKDB
    • description: The type of current data source.
    • type: reload required
  • wren.experimental-enable-dynamic-fields
    • default: false
    • description: It’s used to enable the dynamic query capability.
    • type: normal


BigQuery Connector

  • bigquery.credentials-key
    • default: null
    • description: The base64-encoded service account credentials JSON of setting up BigQuery connection.
    • type: reload required
  • bigquery.credentials-file
    • default: null
    • description: The service account credentials JSON file of setting up BigQuery connection.
    • type: reload required
  • bigquery.project-id
    • default: null
    • description: The project id of BigQuery
    • type: reload required
  • bigquery.location
    • default: null
    • description: The location of the BigQuery dataset.
    • type: reload required
  • bigquery.metadata.schema.prefix
    • default: null
    • description: The prefix for the temp dataset created by Wren Engine.
    • type: reload required

PostgreSQL Connector

  • postgres.jdbc.url
    • default: null
    • description: The JDBC URL of the PostgreSQL data source
    • type: reload required
  • postgres.user
    • default: null
    • description: The user of the PostgreSQL data source
    • type: reload required
  • postgres.password
    • default: null
    • description: The password of the PostgreSQL data source
    • type: reload required

DuckDB Connector

  • duckdb.connector.init-sql-path
    • default: etc/duckdb/init.sql
    • description: Specify file path of initialization SQL for DuckDB
    • type: normal
  • duckdb.connector.session-sql-path
    • default: etc/duckdb/session.sql
    • description: Specify file path of session SQL for DuckDB
    • type: normal
  • duckdb.memory-limit
    • default: JVM system memory / 2
    • description: It’s used to define how much memory can be used for DuckDB.
    • type: reload required
  • duckdb.home-directory
    • default: null
    • description: It’s used to set the home directory for DuckDB.
    • type: reload required
  • duckdb.temp-directory
    • default: /tmp/duck
    • description: It’s used to set the temporary directory for DuckDB.
    • type: reload required
  • duckdb.max-concurrent-tasks
    • default: 10
    • description: The number of tasks can executed by DuckDB concurrently.
    • type: static
  • duckdb.max-concurrent-queries
    • default: 10
    • description: The number of metadata queries can be executed concurrently.
    • type: static